طراحی 100 پرنده، پروانه و حشره دیگر؛ طراحی گام به گام واقع گرایانه خطوط برای هنرمندان و طراحان مشتاق
سال انتشار: 2020 | 115 صفحه | حجم فایل: 13 مگابایت | زبان: انگلیسی
Draw Like an Artist: 100 Birds, Butterflies, and Other Insects: Step-by-Step Realistic Line Drawing – A Sourcebook for Aspiring Artists and Designers (Volume 5)
Melissa Washburn
Quarry Books
قیمت: 16000 تومان
برچسبها: طراحی گام به گام طراحی و نقاشی حیوانات طراحی واقع گرایانه Featuring more than 600 sketches depicting a vast array of beautiful winged forms, Draw Like an Artist: 100 Birds, Butterflies, and Other Insects is a must-have visual reference for student and aspiring artists, fantasy and scientific illustrators, urban sketchers—anyone who’s seeking to improve their realistic drawing skills.
This contemporary, step-by-step guidebook demonstrates fundamental art concepts like proportion, anatomy, and spatial relationships as you learn to draw a full range of winged creatures, all shown from a variety of perspectives. Each set of illustrations takes you from beginning sketch lines to a finished drawing. Author Melissa Washburn’s clear and elegant drawing stylewill make this a go-to sourcebook for years to come.
Learn how to:
Establish basic shapes and symmetry
Articulate lines for body shapes, wing forms, and shading
Add defining details
Draw Like an Artist: 100 Birds, Butterflies, and Other Insects is a library essential for any artist interested in learning how to draw the fascinating forms of birds and winged insects.
The books in the Draw Like an Artist series are richly visual references for learning how to draw classic subjects realistically through hundreds of step-by-step images created by expert artists and illustrators.