Featuring over 255,000 references and translations, this single-direction Spanish to English dictionary allows you to look up words instantly while reading on your Kindle*. Revised and updated to cover all the latest vocabulary, the seventh edition of HarperCollins Spanish-English College Dictionary is an ideal e-reading companion for intermediate to advanced learners. It draws on Collins’ unique databases of Spanish and English to ensure that you have the most complete and accurate picture of real language available today.
• Set this book as your Kindle's default dictionary*, and you can look up words without interrupting your reading experience. Simply move the cursor in front of a Spanish word, and a quick English translation will pop up on screen.
• For more detailed study needs, open the dictionary and type in a word to view the full range of translations and idiomatic expressions offered.
• Contains all the latest vocabulary from a wide range of fields, with special feature entries about life and culture in Spanish-speaking countries.
• Includes more than 255,000 references and translations.
• Example sentences, usage information, and detailed translation notes ensure you select the right translation.
• Spanish verb entries contain hyperlinks to key verb conjugations.
• The in-depth treatment of complex words, practical tips on spoken and written Spanish, and extensive coverage of Latin American Spanish make this dictionary the ideal tool for intermediate to advanced students.