World Cinema through Global Genres introduces the complexforces of global filmmaking using the popular concept of filmgenre. The cluster-based organization allows students to acquire aclear understanding of core issues that apply to all films aroundthe world.
Innovative pedagogical approach that uses genres to teach themore unfamiliar subject of world cinema
A cluster-based organization provides a solid framework forstudents to acquire a sharper understanding of core issues thatapply to all films around the world
A “deep focus” section in each chapter givesstudents information and insights about important regions offilmmaking (India, China, Japan, and Latin America) that tend to beunderrepresented in world cinema classes
Case studies allow students to focus on important andaccessible individual films that exemplify significant traditionsand trends
A strong foundation chapter reviews key concepts and vocabularyfor understanding film as an art form, a technology, a business, anindex of culture, a social barometer, and a political force.
The engaging style and organization of the book make it acompelling text for both world cinema and film genre courses