غذای تخمیری؛ بیش از 80 دستورالعمل گام به گام برای تخمیر موفق کامبوچا، کیمچی و ماست
سال انتشار: 2015 | 224 صفحه | حجم فایل: 39 مگابایت | زبان: انگلیسی
Fermenting Food Step by Step: Over 80 step-by-step recipes for successfully fermenting kombucha, kimchi, yogur
Adam Elabd
قیمت: 16000 تومان
برچسبها: آشپزی آسیایی آشپزی ملل تغذیه و سلامتی غذای تخمیری کامبوچاFermenting Food Step by Step shows you how to master the fermenting process with more than 80 step-by-step recipes – plus you'll learn about the history and processes of fermentation throughout.
For thousands of years, cultures around the world have practiced fermenting as a way to preserve food, and its health benefits now are at your fingertips. Fermenting Food Step by Step includes more than 80 recipes covering fruits and vegetables, meats and dairy, breads and grains, and even beverages like kombucha. From pickles and sauerkraut to kefir and yogurt smoothies to sausages and corned beef, every meal and snack is delectable.
Whether for the incredible flavors or proven health benefits, readers of Fermenting Food Step by Step will get all the information they need to make satisfying meals in a whole new way.